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All the information about your patients

DENTIDESK’s digital record lets you add data regarding your patient, such as both personal and clinical data, contact data and health insurance data.

Odontogram and specific diagnostics

Patient’s odontogram (dental chart) containing performed treatments, specific diagnostics for each piece.

Secure all dental specialties

You can track a patient’s progress by employing endodontics, periodontics, dysfunction, orthodontics and orthognathic surgery records.


Handle your patient's progress

DENTIDESK allows you to keep record of the actions performed by the health care provider (Dr.), plus the treatment progress from the treatment plan screen, which indicates both the treatment and its progress.

Medical records and prescriptions

You can add records and access them whenever you want: ophthalmology, cardiologist, pediatrics, geriatrics, dermatology, radiology, among others. Create prescriptions in a quick way and easily manage them in your DENTIDESK files.


Keep your patients up to date

You’re able to send messages (emails) and pictures to your patient without leaving the patient’s record or DENTIDESK’s platform.

Radiographies and laboratories

DENTIDESK allows you to store in an unlimited way, pictures (photographs, x-rays) of the patient’s treatment, which you can get from a HTML5 viewer from the scanner’s source.


Save it all

Store patient documents, such as: insurance paperwork, informed consent, among others, generating a balanced collection of documents, without space restrictions.


Generate and manage orders

DENTIDESK enables you to both add and manage laboratory and radiology orders for the patient, both of which will have direct coordination with dental and medical labs, keeping in this way the control at all times over the status and time of the work carried out.

Consolidated information

Your patients are unique, DENTIDESK knows this and enables you to manage all the information related to them.

Attention to detail

Records, specialties, reports, diagnostics, prescriptions, orders, overall progress, scheduled appointments, reminders and more.

Optimal management

DENTIDESK allows you to focus 100% on your work as a dental professional , rather than focusing on information management.

Everything in one place

Limitless, restriction-free. DENTIDESK provides you a cloud-based storage of the information. Accessible on the cloud.


DENTIDESK's logic is focused on the patient, who is the backbone of the system.
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